Management Board

The role of the Digital Futures Management Board is to provide leadership to the University’s multidisciplinary Digital Futures activity, maintaining an overview of the University’s current capabilities in the broad fields encompassed by Digital Futures and identifying actual and potential areas of excellence.

The Board reports to the Digital Futures Strategic Advisory Board.

Key objectives 

The Digital Futures Management Board is responsible for:

  • Raising the profile of Digital Futures within the wider University community, bringing researchers from different disciplines together into multidisciplinary communities
  • Identifying opportunities to build critical mass, maintaining an overview of the current external landscape in terms of research and funding opportunities
  • Building the profile of Digital Futures, encouraging and strengthening links with external stakeholders
  • Encouraging the community to increase the impact of the Digital Futures work on the world of practice


The Board is chaired by the Associate Vice President for Digital and comprises the leads for each thematic area.